Diagnosis and treatment of tree diseases and insect damage is known collectively by arborists as Plant Health Care (PHC). Effective Plant Health Care requires a deep knowledge not just of trees and insects but also of shrubs, turfgrasses, and other plants. The care of any one item in a landscape can affect the health of every other item in that landscape.

At Sawing High Climbers, we take a comprehensive approach to PHC that involves routine monitoring, coordinated treatments, and a strong working relationship with our clients as well as with other landscape and lawn care service professionals our clients may engage. We also use the most up-to-date and environmentally sensitive practices and treatments available.


Insect Control

Many of the insect problems that our native trees and shrubs face are due to invasive insects. Native trees and shrubs have no natural defenses against these pests and can be overwhelmed by them. Some of the common insect pests we treat for include:

  • Hemlock Wooley Adelgid
  • Elongate Hemlock Scale
  • Bronze Birch Borer
  • Emerald Ash Borer
  • Japanese Beetles
  • Gypsy Moth Caterpillars

Most of these insect pests can be controlled with “low” or “no tox” insecticides that are safer both for the environment and for beneficial insects. Timing these treatments properly around specific developmental stages in the insects’ life cycle is crucial for effective treatment.

Disease Control

Some of the common tree diseases we treat and prevent include:

  • Dutch Elm Disease
  • Needle Cast Disease on Spruce
  • Rust and Scab on Apple
  • Powdery Mildew on Lilac
  • Shot Hole Fungus on Cherry

The first step to controlling tree disease is to identify the pathogen. After the pathogen is identified, a treatment strategy can be implemented using the least toxic option.

Mature Tree Preservation

Mature trees often require special attention to continue to thrive and look their best. Some key treatments we prioritize for mature trees include:

  • Root zone decompaction using an Air Spade
  • Mulching with custom blended compost prescribed after soil analysis
  • Bio-Stimulant soil injections to enhance and encourage root development
  • Growth Regulators to slow top growth and encourage fibrous root growth

Orchard Maintenance

Orchard Maintenance includes insect and disease control along with proper pruning for good fruiting structure. We can tailor a custom fruit program for you using organic or traditional options.

Tick Control

It seems that every year a new tick-borne disease is discovered. Spraying your yard to help reduce the number of ticks on your property is an important step toward helping keep your family safe from ticks and tick-borne illnesses.

We offer both traditional and all-natural options to help reduce the number of ticks around your home.

Deer Repellents and Anti-Desiccant Sprays

Deer find many plantings around our homes a tasty snack. Lilies and hostas are top on the menu in summer months. Azaleas, rhododendron, and arborvitae can be quickly defoliated in the winter.

We offer both summer and winter spray applications to help deter deer feeding. Neither will harm the deer but they will make the tree or shrub foliage unpalatable.

Anti-Desiccant sprays help prevent “winter burn” from damaging the leaves and needles on your trees and shrubs during the coldest months.

Plant Health Care Products

For more information on the products we use in our Plant Health Care work, please view the following documentation:


At Sawing High Climbers, we are a small team committed to doing quality work. We strive to do right by the trees under our care at all times. We believe that if our clients’ trees are happy, then our clients will be happy too. We also believe in employee well-being. Happy workers are healthier, safer, and more productive.

  • In our business, safety is paramount. We always put safety first.

  • Our arborists have years of training and practice in addressing tree healthcare needs. Think of us as doctors for your trees.

  • We love what we do. Tree care professionals are a passionate group!

  • We tell it like it is. We’ll be honest with you about what your trees really need.

  • Trees are what we do all year long; there’s no other business on the side. We are all about trees to our core.

Russell Plumb
Russell Plumb2017 New England Tree Climbing Competition Champion
